Common Terms
Here's a list of some common terms and abbreviations used during repair procedures. These are not required, nor official. As such, this list is provided as a courtesy. You are encouraged to use whatever works for you, so long as others can understand easily. In general, + is used for an affirmative or a good result, and - for a negative or bad result.
Used during Repair Ops:
- BC: Wing Beacon.
- Chemseal: Hull Seal with Decontamination Limpet
- CB: A Code Black Situation
- DC: Disconnected, or kicked out of the game. Also used for game crashes.
- FR: Friend Request.
- Fuel Rat: A member of The Fuel Rats organization with a focus on emergency response for fuel shortages.
- Inst: Instance.
- Killer Whales: Hostile Players.
- Mechanic: Members of the Hull Seals.
- Mode Conf: Game Mode confirmed on Comms Panel.
- Otter: A Hull Seal with Fuel Limpet Controllers onboard, capable of providing emergency fuel.
- RC+: Repair Completed (Or RC Cola acquired).
- RL+: Repair Limpet Engaged.
- RR+: Repair Report Submitted.
- Seals: This fine organization, or members thereof.
- Sharks: Hostile Ships.
- Sys Conf: System confirmed on the galaxy map.
- Walrus: A Hull Seal equipped for defensive, NPC-ONLY actions.
- WR: Wing Request.
Common Terms and Abbreviations
- The Bubble: Civilized Space, commonly fought over by powerplay factions.
- Blob: Did you know a group of seals is actually called a Blob?
- Client: The person in need of hull repairs.
- Dispatch: The trained player coordinating the repair and assignment of Seals.
- Drebin's Lament: An unsuccessful Code Black.
- XA: Explorer's Anchorage, the most remote station in the galaxy. Located near the center of the galaxy.