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Fleet Carriers
The Hull Seals plans to operate 3 Fleet Carriers, providing essential services to Explorers acros...
Reporting Bugs and Issues
The Hull Seal systems are designed to be robust, reliable, and easy to use. However, it may happe...
Code Black SOP
This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is for a Hull Seals Specialized Role. In order to become ...
IRC Hosts and Their Meanings
IRC Hosts and Their Meanings All registered members on our IRC network are given a "vhost", or "...
Other Third Party Tools
There are several tools that the Hull Seals use in order to serve clients and run our systems. Th...
Frontier Developments
Frontier Developments is the company behind the Elite franchise and is the reason that the Hull S...
Other Games
Other Games The Hull Seals are first and foremost an Elite: Dangerous player group. Our services...
The Long Arf
Expedition Name Expedition Quick Facts Initials: TLA Launch Date: 6 July 3306 End ...
Perseus Reach Expedition 3306
Perseus Reach Expedition Quick Facts Initials: PR Launch Date: 8 Feb 3306 End Date...
Kingfisher SOP
KingFishers SOP, Guidance and ProceduresĀ Creation 0.1 Glossary General GuidanceĀ Gu...
How2Join mk2
Welcome! We're glad to see you have an interest in joining us. Joining the Seals is more than j...
Common Terms
Here's a list of some common terms and abbreviations used during repair procedures. These are not...
Terms of Service
This document was last edited 7/1/2020 Welcome to our website. If you continue to browse and use...
Ship Registry Codes
For some CMDRs, the Seals may be their primary - or only - social group in the game we all share ...
This is a Silly ArticleThe content in here isn't to be taken super-sealiously, and is provided fo...
Hull Seals Fleet Initiative
Hull Seals Fleet Initiative Expedition Quick Facts Initials: HSCG1 Launch Date: 6 APR...
Other Organizations and Discord Servers
There are many other useful sources of information out in the galaxy that some of our CMDRs have ...
The Stellar Unknown Expedition
Stellar Unknown Expedition Quick Facts Initials: SU Launch Date: 25 Aug 2205 End D...
Distant Worlds II
Distant Worlds II Expedition Quick Facts Initials: DWII, DW2 Launch Date: 13 Jan 3305...
COVID Folding Response
COVID Folding Response Expedition Quick Facts Initials: CVR Launch Date: 13 March 330...