Guides and Terms
Wanting to get a repair? Come read about the terminology you'll encounter.
How to Find the Nearest Station and Long Route Plotting
Suggested Ship Builds and Modules
Common Terms
Here's a list of some common terms and abbreviations used during repair procedures. These are not...
Common Mistakes and Issue Troubleshooting
General Troubleshooting During rescues, there are numerous issues that can present themselves. T...
Other Tips and Tricks
Sometimes, Seals find resources or tools that are useful to share, that we think are worth sharin...
Fantastic Shortlinks and Where They Lead
The following is a list of shortlinks that the Seals use, and where they lead. This list is not e...
Fleet Carriers
The Hull Seals plans to operate 3 Fleet Carriers, providing essential services to Explorers acros...
This is a Silly ArticleThe content in here isn't to be taken super-sealiously, and is provided fo...
Ship Registry Codes
For some CMDRs, the Seals may be their primary - or only - social group in the game we all share ...
Frequently Suggested Things
It's often been said there's no such thing as a bad idea - and that's true enough. However, somet...